I am so disappointed and disturbed.
Gay activists cannot claim they didn't have the money to wage the California fight.
According to an analysis of the most recent reports from the California Secretary of State, the pro-equality side raised an astonishing $43.6 million, compared with just $29.8 million for those who succeeded in keeping gays from marrying. The money the gay side raised is surprising for two reasons: first, the cash-Hoover known as the Obama campaign was sucking down millions of dollars a day from the nation's liberals. Many gays expected it to be difficult to raise money to fight Proposition 8 and its plan to outlaw same-sex marriage from Democrats eager to give to Obama and to the outside 527 groups supporting him. As recently as August, one of the nation's top gay political givers told me that he expected the gay side to raise no more than $25 million.
Know About The Gender Identity Movement
What is gender identity? Gender identity is referred to as a personal sense
of an individual’s gender. Gender identity can either be the assigned sex
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3 years ago