22 February, 2009

Massive opposition to Senate Bill 68 - A Facebook Hero?

Craig Cammack is a gay male living in Lexington, KY. He has been with his partner for 7 years, but few people probably heard of him until a couple of weeks ago.

Then, like Amy Balliet and Willow Witte who jointly founded 'Join the Impact' and organized a major national protest (in November 2008 after California voters approved the ban on same-sex marriage), Craig Cammack exploded.

Amy Balliet and Willow Witte started Join the Impact by using a free Wiki on WetPaint. Likewise, Craig Cammack started a free Facebook group which now has over 4,000 members to Stop Senate Bill 68.

Cammack has been recognized by Kentucky Equality Federation for his contribution with a 'special thank you' on their event page, he has been contacted by the Human Rights Campaign, and Cammack even made the news here in Lexington.

The only question that lingers is will Cammack’s Facebook Group fade as quickly as Join the Impact, or the Kentucky Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans?

No matter what the future holds for him, he deserves recognition and big hug for his efforts. Of course, if Jacob Payne at pageonekentucky.com finds out about the good work Cammack is doing, Cammack could become Payne's next political target.


  1. f_ck jacob payne and his lies on pageonekentucky.com what a joke

    good work to the other dude, two thumbs up

  2. Good deal!

    SB 68 will not even pass the Kentucky Senate while David Williams is considering running against Jim Bunning to be part of Kentucky's delegation to Washinton.


    Jake, Welcome to Thursday………

    I have a friend that old me he would council with you for your problems. And, at no charge.

    If I were as sick as you Jake, I would take the offer. You are truly a sick puppy!

